I can look out my front door and see snow on the lawn across the street. The local forecasters are talking about anywhere from 2 to 8 inches of snow that is on its way to us and will arrive this weekend. I'm so tired of winter already!! So in order to escape (albeit temporarily) my thoughts have turned to my future garden.
I have a patch in my backyard that was plowed for a garden. It was a bit of a disaster last year because I had major surgery in February and wasn't able to commit the time to it that it really needed, since it was the first year it had been tilled. So grass took over and some of the plants didn't make it and it was basically rather sad. This year, however, I've already begun to prepare. I've covered the area well and added mulch so the grass is at a minimum. I have a diagram and definite plans of what plants are going where. And I will definitely spend more time out there this summer, probably even recruiting my children to learn to "work the land."
I'm excited about gardening this year! I hope to be able to freeze and can a lot of vegetables that we can use over the colder months. This will help us in so many ways. My kids are not fond of commercially canned products, but anything I've canned myself is devoured. It's a good thing I enjoy canning! :-)
Interestingly enough, while I've been contemplating my garden, I received an email from a company called Hometown Seeds. They have a very interesting product called Survival Seeds. This are NON-GMO seeds that give you a variety of easy to grow vegetables. The packet includes the following seed packets:
Lincoln Peas
Detroit Dark Red Beets
Kentucky Wonder Brown Pole Bean
Yolo Wonder Pepper
Champion Radish
Lucullus Swiss Chard
Black Beauty Zucchini
Waltham Butternut Winter Squash
Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach
Scarlet Nantes Carrots
Long Green Improved Cucumber
Rutgers Tomato
Golden Acre Cabbage
Romaine Paris Island Cos Lettuce
Golden Bantem Sweet Corn
Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion
It looks like a great assortment for any garden, and it is a HUGE assortment! I'm thinking this might be great to purchase with a friend and share the seeds. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have 3/4 of an acre to garden! :-)
Check out the website and see if the Survival Seeds suit your needs for this year's planting. Let me know if you get them!
DISCLAIMER: Hometown Seeds offered to send me a free packet of survival seeds for posting about their website. I have not tried their products yet, but this looks like a great assortment of seeds. The opinions expressed are my own, as is the time and work I will put into my garden this year!! :-)

Thanks for the link. I'm ready to start planning our garden, too. I guess it would be a good activity to do while we're snowed in a few days from now.
I'm ready for spring, too. Last Sunday (before a 4 inch snow came), we put down more grass seed. I bought some herb seeds and am trying to start my own plants indoors this year instead of buying plants in the spring. Today, we're planning to throw down TurfBuilder and I may try to clean out my herb bed. I'm thinking of trying some raspberry plants this year too.
Home canned veggies rock! My mother canned and I was a teenager before I ever ate a commercially canned green bean. No comparison.
Maybe we can hurry Spring along if we get out our gardening gloves!
This looks awesome! We've been wanting to plant a garden for a while, but I'm always overwhelmed by all the seed choices...
Come over to my blog when you get a chance... there's a little "surprise" for you!
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