This will be my last menu plan for awhile. I'm having major surgery next Tuesday, and won't be cooking for at least a couple of weeks. My mom will be feeding the kids next week while I'm in the hospital (God help them.....poor things!!), and then DH will be taking over culinary duties for the next 10 days while he is on vacation, and as long as needed depending on my recovery. Should be interesting around here....
I haven't even sat down and planned a menu this week, so I'm going to wing it from my laptop and see what develops. I will actually miss cooking, and I'm quite concerned that my sourdough starter is going to die, because I don't see Mom or DH baking any bread. That will be frustrating!! What can I do?? Here's my random thoughts on eating this week:
Monday - Pastitsio, corn, cornbread. Our menu plan for last week had a couple of wrenches thrown in (like an unexpected ER visit that resulted in an IHOP visit, too), so I was a day behind with the mac and cheese. This fits well for tomorrow.
Tuesday - Cheeseburger soup. I'm contemplating making this with ground turkey instead of beef, but don't tell anyone here! I am thinking they won't really notice the difference. I'll make some of their favorite homemade rolls to cushion the blow. :)
Wednesday - Chicken Cordon Bleu. This didn't get made again last week, and I'm determined to try it!!!! I'll plan on steamed rice, glazed carrots, and the rest of the rolls, too.
Thursday - Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, coffee cake or french toast.
Friday - Chicken alfredo pizza (this got replaced last week with a very yummy steak pizza. I blogged about that here.).
Saturday - Smothered steak, mashed potatoes, corn, sourdough bread (and I just had the idea to freeze my starter to save it - yay!!!!).
Sunday - BBQ chicken packets with potatoes, green beans, rest of the sourdough.
I guess that isn't too bad for coming off the top of my head with no prior planning. I contemplated planning for that next Monday, which will be my last cooking day for awhile, but thought better of it. On that evening, we will either have something I really feel like eating, or we'll order Chinese. I might as well enjoy my last real meal for awhile. Trust me, the liquid diet you're stuck on for several days after surgery ain't very good!!! :-P
For more great menu plans, visit OrgJunkie!!
Sounds like a yummy week! Good luck on your surgery. Hope all goes well and that your family survives without mommy doing the cooking. ;)
Good luck with the surgery...you are going out in a big way though, your week sounds delicious!
I pray your surgery goes well and that your recovery is quick.
Blessings to you...
Sounds great! I wish I was still close enough to bring you some meals. The kids will appreciate you soo much after the week with your Mom's cooking! HAHA!
My family actually prefers ground turkey to ground beef. I wish you well on your surgery. Speedy recovery.
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