I've just discovered a blog called Just a Girl. She is currently having a blog carnival for craft ideas for Christmas. I got to thinking about something neat that I had done that was actually my own idea (as far as I know, anyway!!) and I remembered a craft that I did 5 years ago with my kids that I still treasure. I made Santas out of their hands. Now, please know that I am NOT a talented crafter, and I definitely have no artistic abilities, so someone else can probably take this to new heights, but I was happy with what I did. Here's how they look today, 5 years later:

Aren't they cute? And they are super-easy to make, because, if they weren't, then I couldn't have done them!!
I fashioned my ornaments out of salt-dough. It's very easy to find a recipe online, and it's also very inexpensive, as it's pretty much flour, salt, and water. I had each of my children (the youngest was barely a year old at the time) lay their hands out on the rolled out dough and, using a toothpick, I traced their hand outlines. I then cut the hands out with the tip of a sharp knife and transferred them to a cookie sheet. I baked them in the oven slowly to dry them, per the instructions with the dough recipe. After they were fully dried and cooled, I turned them upside down and painted them into little Santas. Here is a little closer picture of one to show the specifics of how I painted them:

I made the tip of the hat with the fake snow type stuff, and the rest was just paint. Over time, the paint has crackled just a bit, but I think it makes them look more country and cute. The fingers make the beard, and the thumb is the hat. I think these would make great gifts for grandparents. Maybe I should make some more for my mom - I couldn't possibly part with these, though!! Of course, the kids' hands have grown a LOT since 2003! :-)
If you give this a try, I would love to see where you take the idea. I bet someone can really do something amazing with the idea. Happy Christmas crafting!!!! And for more great Works for Me ideas, visit Rocks in my Dryer. Enjoy!!!
super cute idea! I love anything with my children's handprints!
This is cool! I just have to try it with my granddaughter's handprints.
I'm going to update my Squidoo salt dough lens this week, would it be ok to put a link to this post there?
Regards from S.A.
Thanks. There's a link in my ezi-gifts-galore blog (sidebar) to my Squidoo lenses - one is how to make a nativity scene from salt dough- a step by step photo tut.
It was also the first "real" post on my gift blog way back in 2006- I actually became a salt "dougher" for nearly 6 months... lol.
Lots of salt dough ideas on this blog and I am always on the look-out for new ideas, now that I have a granddaughter to keep busy.
Super cute idea. I definitely want to do this with my daughter.
These are so cute. I may just have to try them out.
This is such a CUTE idea!! We will be doing this craft this year!! Thanks for the great idea!!
You don't give yourself nearly enough credit! I think these are adorable, and you're a genius for thinking of it! Thank you for sharing it with us!
These are adorable. They'd make a great memento as you pulled them out year after year :)
What an adorable idea!I think I might try this with my children this weekend!
That's a great craft idea! I'll have to remember that one....
My WFMW post is here:
Your Santas are adorable! I was just wondering what to do with the small handprints I made out of the Crayola magic dough a few years ago. This is perfect!
These are cute, cute, cute!
My girls and I were going to do salt dough ornaments this weekend. These are added to the list! So cute!
That is such an adorable idea! I definitely want to try it!
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