Beef – I used the "tips" from that free whole sirloin, so free!
Celery – .25
Carrots - .20
Broccoli - .99
Squash – free from the garden
Mini corn - .59 on sale at Aldi
Corn starch – free when bought on sale with a coupon
Bouillon - .05
Various seasonings - .05
Rice - .25
The total cost of this huge dinner was $2.38!! And my kids did eat the squash, except the youngest, who insisted that she didn't eat things that had no taste. Whaddya do?? She ate two pieces because I held dessert hostage, so I guess that's something.
As for dessert? It's going to be cookies that were leftover after a work function DH had Thursday that were given to us, warmed and topped with a scoop of Breyer's ice cream I picked up for less than a dollar with a coupon last week. Still under three dollars for everything!!!!

I'm pretty sure you can make squash into muffins/bread like zucchini, then wait until after it's gone to tell them what was in it! I also hide tiny pieces in spaghetti sauce, it works great on my husband!
cheap, and healthy with all those veggies. can't beat it!
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